
Philippines: an experience that opens the doors to fraternity





The vocation camp, an activity that brings together young people interested in knowing, discerning and being part of our Congregation, took place from 28 to 30 May 2021 in the Brothers’ community of Lasang, where Gabriel Taborin College is located. It was three days of prayer, reflection and sharing.

The intention of this group of young people was to know, understand and discover their vocation. Brother Bosco welcomed the candidates and guided them through the different activities during the three days of the vocational experience.

They were encouraged to let go of their worries and to pay attention to what God wanted to tell them through the different activities. The speakers presented different themes: vocation, discernment, the Founder, the formation plan, the importance of listening, and the value of personal prayer.

It was an opportunity for them to experience the life of a community, to clarify the doubts they had about religious life and to express the challenges they experience in the reality in which they live. It was emphasised that life is made up of the choices we make, and that we are called to share God’s goodness and love with others, especially with the poor and unfortunate in our world.

Throughout the camp the candidates shared their talents and skills by singing, dancing and playing instruments in the evenings. On the last day they were able to visit the College to familiarise themselves with the educational mission of the Brothers of the Holy Family. The vocation animator had a personal interview with each of the candidates encouraging them to grow in their vocation. Each of them took home with them the fruits of this vocational experience.

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