“We follow God’s mysterious invitations with the holy zeal of our Founder and God’s salvation”. With these words, which the Brothers chose as the motto of the celebration, on 26 June 2021, in the Formation House in Madurai (India), Brothers Anil Tigga, Ashok Kerketta, Maria Andrews, Valan Pankras Arther and Sumilan Soreng said their definitive yes to the Lord as Brothers of the Holy Family.
The ceremony was very familiar and almost “private” because of the confinement in India, and especially - strictly - in Tamil Nadu. Only a few relatives of two Brothers were able to be present; there were no guests from outside, not even religious or priests. Three Brothers from Bangalore were able to be present.
The Madurai community, along with other Brothers who were in the house, really got down to work and together we tried to solemnise the event of Perpetual Profession as much as possible, with a lot of decoration and music. The families of the Brothers, friends, relatives, Brothers’ Communities... could not be present, but we made up for it with a celebration that was recorded on Facebook (live) so that everyone could follow it at home.
The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the Archbishop of Madurai, Mgr. Antony Pappusamy, and concelebrated by his secretary. The Brother Delegate, who had recently returned from Spain, received the perpetual vows on behalf of the Provincial and the whole Institute. At the end of the ceremony, thanksgiving by the Brothers, messages from the Provincial and General, and the usual family photos. The event concluded with a simple family meal with a tasty “mutton biryani” (Indian paella) from Tamil Nadu and “fruit-salad” for dessert.