

 Admission to novitiate and First Profession.

On July 2, 2021, the Nita-Maumere community held an annual retreat. After completing of the week, the twelve postulants were accepted as novices. They received the traditional habit of the Institute as a sign of starting their novitiate.

On July 10, 2021, the twelve novices made their First Vows, with the theme “Rise and go” (Luke 17:19). Eight of the new Brothers come from Indonesia and four from Timor Leste. Unlike usual, the celebration of the vows was done this time without the presence of parents or family members, because they are still following the health protocol due to Covid-19.


This celebration was also to give thanks for the presence of the Institute of the Brothers of the Holy Family in Indonesia in the 10th anniversary. The eucharistic celebration was presided over by the bishop of Maumere, Mgr. Edwaldus Martinus Sedu, and also attended by several priests and sisters.


Visit to the family of the candidates is one of the important things in vocation promotion. It helps us to know the family background, the ambience of faith in family, the situation of the family and the interest of the family in supporting the vocation of the candidate. We should never forget that the family is the primary agent in producing the vocations to the Church.

In respect to the important ideas mentioned above, Bro. Bosco did the visit to some families of the candidates before and after the vocation camp. Though it has some hard roads to travel and unknown places to see, it really enriches us well to know the background of the candidate in order to form him well so he be a fruitful religious in the future.


Le 26 juillet, la province de Sainte-Anne a célébré sa fête patronale. Comme chaque année, la fête est accompagnée de diverses célébrations relatives à la vie des Frères. A cette occasion, ont été célébrés la première profession des Frères Gaston Ouédraogo, Armel Yaméogo et Ambroise Bakuta Kawaka; la profession perpétuelle des Frères Eloi Nana, Pascal Wend-Paul Ouédraogo et Marcel Bamouni ; le jubilé d'argent des Frères Eugène Tougma, Paul Sawadoogo et Casimir Ouare et le jubilé d'or du Frère Jéròme Komi.

La cérémonie a été présidée par Mgr Justin Kientega, évêque de Ouahigouya, accompagné de Mgr Pierre Claver Malgo, (frère du Frère Athanase) et d'un autre évêque. Le Frère Julien Zoungrana, Provincial, a reçu les vœux au nom du Frère Animateur Général. Félicitations à ces Frères et à tous les Frères de la Province.

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India The year begins with good news. It is a time for harvesting the fruits of our hard work on t...