
COLOMBIA: Conocer para amar.

El viernes 4 de marzo los Hermanos Pablo, Jair y Stevenson, viajaron al municipio de Tona en el departamento de Santander para realizar la visita al colegio y hacer la promoción vocacional con los jóvenes de los grados décimo y undécimo.  Después de la visita nos presentamos a la señora rectora de la institución, quien se mostró agradecida con la comunidad y pidió que se regresara a seguir acompañando a estos jóvenes que tanto lo necesitan.

También los días 26 y 27 de marzo, la comunidad de Bucaramanga abrió las puertas de su casa para acoger a dos jóvenes Carlos Valencia y Juan Pablo, ambos del Municipio de Matanza, Santander, para realizar con ellos una convivencia vocacional que llevo como lema “Conocer para amar”. El objetivo de la convivencia era que los jóvenes conocieran la comunidad y se familiarizaran con el estilo de vida del Hermano de la Sagrada Familia.


INDIA: family visits in Tamilnadu

In the month of March Brothers Nithish, Pavin, Paul and Mister Peter Paul have visited Trichy, Pondicherry and Mysore. This month we have visited only families of interested boys and we have covered around 90 families of future candidates. Of course we have put all our hard work and hope in Jesus and He will provide us new candidates for next academic year (2022 - 2023). Since exams are postponed, we have kept camps in the month of June in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. Meanwhile in Karnataka the exams are as usual. Since Karnataka students will finish the exams in the middle of April and we have planned to keep camp soon after the exams on April 21, 22 and 23. May God help us. 


ASIA: Month of Vocational Animators Meeting


The month of March marks the meeting of different vocation teams in Asian sector. Bro. Bosco as vocation coordinator of Asian cluster called for a meeting of a vocation team from different Asian countries.

The Brothers of Philippines gathered on 1st March to discuss about different possibilities of carrying out the vocational promotion. Headed by Bro. Bosco, they discussed about different places permitted for doing vocation promotion. The Brothers decided to resume their visits to different parishes.

Bro. Bosco called for meeting with the vocation team of India in which vocational animators from different communities took part. They initially gathered to share some questions came from the course for Sa-Fa vocational animators. Additionally, they discussed some other practical matters for effective vocation promotion. This meeting brought some initiatives to engage in vocation promotion through social networks. The brothers agreed to create a YouTube channel for Indian Delegation. Six Brothers and a lay collaborator participated in the meeting. The vocation team gathered on March 18 to finalize the dates of the vocation camps.

Bro. Bosco called for a meeting with the vocation team of Indonesia in which 5 vocational animators from different communities took part. Initially we discussed on the usefulness of the different vocational material shared by Bro. Bosco. We discussed about the current situation of vocational promotion process in Indonesia and about making some creative ways of doing vocational promotion to attract the candidates during our school and parish visits.

Bro. Bosco called for a meeting with the vocation team of Timor in which 4 vocational animators participated. We discussed on the usefulness of the different vocational material shared by Bro. Bosco. The Timorese Brothers highly appreciated about the materials and ideas shared with them. They assured it was highly useful. We discussed about making some creative ways of doing vocational promotion to attract the candidates during our school and parish visits. This year Br. Julio Marshal will work on the field vocation promotion as Brother responsible.

On 27th March the members of the Asian cluster gathered to discuss about the action plan of 2022. The Brothers appreciated the plans and the idea of doing vocational exploration in other countries. They avail themselves to collaborate in the exploration visit along with an experienced elder Brother. They said that they are in the process of family visits and planning the dates for vocation camp in their respective places. The action plan 2022 document was shared to each Brother of the cluster to discuss with their respective vocation teams or commissions. 

These various meetings we had, had enriched all of us in sharing about what we are doing currently, how we can improve our mission and what are some of the challenges we have as vocational animators.

At the end we appreciated each other for what we are doing and we encouraged one another to continue our mission of vocation promotion and polish our style by adopting some creativity and networking.



El Consejo General, respondiendo a las invitaciones del 38 Capítulo general, decidió junto a los Hermanos Provinciales la creación de este equipo en su reunión de enero del 2020. Esta realidad se enmarca dentro del proceso de revitalización y reorganización del Instituto, y como una contribución al mismo. El equipo comienza a su andadura el 17 de abril de 2020. Desde entonces Brother Bosco Sebastin, Frére Paschal Rayaisé y el Hermano Roberto Cabello nos hemos venido reuniendo regular y virtualmente, primero con un ritmo casi semanal y después mensualmente. Hemos contado con la compañía y ayuda del Hermano Francisco Javier Hernando, Animador General y Frére Pierre Kafandó, Consejero General.

Durante estos dos años hemos podido trabajar juntos con un ambiente fraternal y cordial a pesar de algunas dificultades lingüísticas. La labor realizada hasta ahora ha hecho que la semilla plantada vaya dando frutos como: la motivación y sensibilización vocacional en todo el Instituto, la elaboración de textos básico como la oración por las vocaciones SaFa, la coordinación de los esfuerzos vocacionales por medio de los equipos por sectores (iberoamericano, francófono, asiático), la elaboración de estrategias y propuestas vocacionales recogidas en el Hoja de ruta, la presencia en las redes sociales, o la preparación de los animadores vocacionales con el curso de animación vocacional SaFa. Esperemos que poco a poco las piezas del puzle vocacional vayan encajando y que las ondas vocacionales se vayan extendiendo de modo que todos lleguemos a implicarnos de algún modo en ayudar a otros a descubrir y responder a la llamada de Dios.


INDIA: vocation promotion in Meghalaya


From 24 February to 8 March, Brothers Paul Raj and Roberto Cabello have been doing vocation promotion in the dioceses of Jowai and Nonsgtoin which belong to the state of Meghalaya. The name of this state means “the abode of the clouds” and it has a mountainous terrain. The majority of the population is Christian, either Catholic or of other denominations.

During these 13 days of travelling through this land dotted with hills, we were able to present our vocation in 12 secondary schools, even though in several places it was difficult because they were either preparing for exams or were on holiday. 138 young people showed interest in being in contact with us to discern their vocation as Brothers of the Holy Family. We were able to visit 35 families of these candidates. We are very grateful for the welcome and help they have given us and for the kindness with which they have treated us. These are seeds of the Sa-Fa charism which we hope will bear fruit in due time.

PHILIPPINES: vocational tour


Although our daily situation continues with many restrictions and protocols, we have started our vocational visit to places where the environment has allowed us to do so. We have begun our visits in three different dioceses. We visit parishes where we are granted permission to address young people. We are in contact with the candidates we have visited. Some young people have come to visit our community and expressed their willingness to participate in the vocation camp. We are sending letters approved by the Vicar for Religious to different parishes. We hope to visit many parishes as the situation permits.

BENIN: La campagne de vocation est communautaire


Nous allons dans les paroisses pour nous faire connaître et rencontrer les jeunes. Le 8 février 2022 nous avons fêté en différé la fête des consacrées avec tous les consacrés du diocèse de Natitingou la messe a été présidée par l Eveque a l heure de la messe des jeunes. Les 35 congrégation religieuses ont chacune exposer des images des dépliants et rencontrer des jeunes. Notre communauté a pu aussi échanger avec des jeunes. Le 19 février nous sommes allés à Dassari faire connaissance de la famille de Benoit un pré postulant vivant avec nous ensuite nous avons pu rendre visite à la famille du Frère David. 

Le 20 février 2022 nous sommes allés À la paroisse de Toucountouma nous avons été bien accueilli par le curé père Gervais qui connaît bien les Frères de Turin et qui a été longtemps responsables des vocations tant du diocèse que nationales. Nous avons intervenu à l église et après la messe rencontrer plus de 50 jeunes échanger longtemps sur la vie religieuse en général et sur la vocation Frère Sainte Famille. Leur souhait est qu on vienne s installer dans leur paroisse. On espère que l esprit saint fera germer les graines ensemencé. 

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India The year begins with good news. It is a time for harvesting the fruits of our hard work on t...