


No sábado 29 de Janeiro, teve início a nova aventura do curso de animadores vocacionais SaFa. Até agora são 84 participantes dos diferentes países onde o nosso Instituto está presente: Angola, Argentina, Benin, Brasil, Burkina Faso, Colômbia, Equador, Espanha, Filipinas, França, Gana, Índia, Indonésia, Itália, México e Timor Leste. A Equipe Vocacional SaFa, os palestrantes e os tradutores organizaram e prepararam-no do melhor possível para que seja uma oportunidade de trabalhar em conjunto na animação vocacional.

10 temas irão pontuar a viagem enriquecedora: Partindo da nossa realidade (Ingredientes da animação vocacional SaFa), se convidada uma aventura (Perfil do Irmão, do Leigo e do candidato SaFa); depois de conhecer o mentor (Irmão Gabriel como animador vocacional), o limiar será ultrapassado (Orientação bíblica); juntamente com os companheiros (motivação teológico-pastoral), aproximar-se-ão da caverna (contextualização sociológica), para passar pelas provas da Odisseia (elementos psicológicos); após uma transformação enriquecedora (Pedagogia e didática vocacional), regressarão renovados (Vocacionando na Internet) com o elixir mágico (Trabalho de síntese/criação).

Esperamos que no final do curso os animadores vocacionais tenham aprofundado e crescido na sua própria vocação; saibam acompanhar, animar, motivar e servir melhor aqueles que são chamados; tenham aprendido sobre o carisma, a espiritualidade e as vocações na Família SaFa; estejam formados com as ideias, orientações e conhecimentos necessários para realizar a pastoral vocacional com uma metodologia, formas, processos e estratégias criativas; usem os instrumentos, recursos, dinâmicas e técnicas de animação vocacional; tenham partilhado experiências, interagido, criado vínculos e colaborado.

INDIA: vocational promotion in the schools of Karnataka


In the month of January, Brother Paul visited 10 schools in the state of Karnataka, especially in Mysore. There was a good response from the young Catholics: 60 out of 150 were interested to know more about our Congregation. There are many people in the diocese of Mysore who have become priests or religious. For example, in Mattalli every family has a religious. Thanks to the vocation promotion done by other Brothers in this area three years ago, there are now 6 young men from Karnataka in the process of formation. Let us thank God for his blessings and guidance.

BURKINA et BENIN: Animation des vocations dans l'Église locale


Le 30 janvier, lors de la célébration de la fête de la vie consacrée à la cathédrale de Ouagadougou, on a eu l'occasion d'expliquer la vocation aux Frères de la Sainte Famille. Sept juvénistes et les Frères Romaric BAKY, Armel YAMEOGO et Pascal RAYAISSE ont participé à cette activité. Ils ont distribué 275 brochures contenant des informations vocationnelles.

Au Bénin, les Frères ont participé aux ordinations du diocèse et avec tous les consacrés de Tanguietá. Ces rencontres leur ont permis d'établir des contacts avec les curés des paroisses et de faire partie de la commission des vocations. Ils ont également pu rencontrer des jeunes pour leur proposer la vocation de Frère de la Sainte Famille et réunir ceux qui étaient intéressés pour découvrir la vocation de Frère Gabriel Taborin.



Every year normally for SA-FA Vocational meeting/ practicum is in December but this year a little different, Because of Covid-19 still take a big problem to the National Government of this Country to announce the result of those in third year/ last year of senior high school. So by that situation the vocational meeting this year we did it in January.

There are (17) seventeen, candidates who came to do the vocational meeting in our community most of them came from Ermera, Baucau (4) four, Aileu (2) two, and Lopalos (2) two, we are very happy during 5 days with them in this community they are the good young Boys that we find this year but not all of them did the best during their presence here, probably we can say they are good.

During their presence they have writing test, healthy test, second personal interview and before they came back to home we have a short performance of theatre/drama, sing some music and read poems to show they ability and talent they have and big possibility for brothers to select them by that way.

General information (17) seventeen of them not all come to our community this year but, (12) twelve, of them will come base on the decision that we have took by community vote.




El día 3 de diciembre, Fiesta de San Francisco Javier, patrón de las misiones, llegaron a Luanda, capital de Angola, los Hermanos Juan Andrés Martos y Francisco Javier Hernando. El día 14 llegaron los Hermanos Aníbal Tilman y Assis Pereira desde Timor Leste.

En los primeros días de estancia en Luanda los Hermanos se encontraron con el grupo vocacional que se estaba acompañando a través de las redes. Se presentaron siete candidatos con los que se tuvo un encuentro y se habló personalmente con cada uno de ellos para conocer su situación vocacional y personal. En los próximos meses se seguirán los contactos de forma personal.

La Comunidad, acompañados por el H. Animador General, viajaron a Huambo el día 16 de diciembre y se alojaron en una casa de los Pobres Siervos de la Divina Providencia. La Comunidad recibió en la tarde del día 22 la visita de Monseñor Zeferino Zeca Martins para conocer la Comunidad y la casa donde habita. Con él se habló de varios temas relacionados con nuestro proyecto y se le expresó la comunión con la Iglesia local. Invitamos a rezad por esta nueva fundación.



Le 27 décembre 2022 de 20h a 21h 45, une rencontre des chargés de vocation avec la commission Vocation- Formation a été organisée au Juvenat Saint Joseph de Saaba. 15 Frères étaient présents. Nous avons fait un bilan des activités réalisées au niveau chaque communauté et au niveau provincial. Nous avons aussi programmé des activités à réaliser. Il a été recommandé de s'organiser par secteur. Chaque animateur de vocation doit s'impliquer davantage à l'éveil et à l'accompagnement des vocations. Les Frères ont été invités à participer à la formation des animateurs de vocation organisée par le groupe VOCATION SA FA.


In the month of December. Brothers Paul Raj and Manish have visited 27 Schools in Jharkhand for vocation promotion. They have seen that there is hope: the catholic population and the response of the students were very good. The boys who were interested there will be contacted. After the final exam of class 10 and class 12 they will conduct a vocation camp in Jharkhand. Let us pray the work done bears fruit in the due time.

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India The year begins with good news. It is a time for harvesting the fruits of our hard work on t...