



The word “Brother” in the ancient times was understood as relationship, as friend or citizen etc. People also believed that mankind in a one big family and that all human beings are brothers. The word Brother represents a significant way of being in the ecclesial community in which he is the prophetic memory of Jesus. So, Brother is basically a relation. Hence Brotherhood is basically a relationship towards other humans, and it has been the quest of the human community for many centuries. Brotherhood is not just build on blood relations or countrymen but it is on common election by God’ a common Father. As sons of the universal father, the children of the universal Father-God. That is the Reason why Jesus called his disciples as Brothers and he said to them “You are all Brothers”

Every year on Oct 4th we celebrate this feast of Brotherhood in honour of St. Francis of Assisi who is the inspiration to this great vocation to Brotherhood. This year in the communities of India have celebrated with great Joy. On this day we remember the vocation to Brotherhood and What is to be a Brother. we recall our vocation to Brotherhood. This day we started our celebration with the Eucharist. All the Brothers wore the traditional habit and participated in the Eucharist joyfully, thanking for the gift of Vocation to Brotherhood and for callings to exercise this gift of Brotherhood under the roof of Nazareth in the Congregation of the Brothers of the Holy Family and we also Prayed for our entire Congregation. We End-up our celebration with the Eucharistic Adoration praying for the new vocations to our Congregation. We choose a sentence for this celebration: “EACH BROTHER IS A GIFT OF GOD TO BROTHERHOOD”


On 10 October, three young Indians entered the Postulancy: A. Francis Xavier, Aswin Soreng and Y. Beski. The first and the last are from the state of Tamil Nadu and the second from the state of Odisha. The simple ceremony took place in the chapel of the formation house in Eluru where the Brothers of the Community and the formees were present. The new postulants had been admitted by the Provincial and his Council a few days earlier. Brother Javier (Master of Postulants) pronounced the formula of admission and gave them the book of the Liturgy of the Hours. The postulants will continue their formation process in the formation house in Eluru.

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