

Le 26 juillet, la province de Sainte-Anne a célébré sa fête patronale. Comme chaque année, la fête est accompagnée de diverses célébrations relatives à la vie des Frères. A cette occasion, ont été célébrés la première profession des Frères Gaston Ouédraogo, Armel Yaméogo et Ambroise Bakuta Kawaka; la profession perpétuelle des Frères Eloi Nana, Pascal Wend-Paul Ouédraogo et Marcel Bamouni ; le jubilé d'argent des Frères Eugène Tougma, Paul Sawadoogo et Casimir Ouare et le jubilé d'or du Frère Jéròme Komi.

La cérémonie a été présidée par Mgr Justin Kientega, évêque de Ouahigouya, accompagné de Mgr Pierre Claver Malgo, (frère du Frère Athanase) et d'un autre évêque. Le Frère Julien Zoungrana, Provincial, a reçu les vœux au nom du Frère Animateur Général. Félicitations à ces Frères et à tous les Frères de la Province.




“We follow God’s mysterious invitations with the holy zeal of our Founder and God’s salvation”. With these words, which the Brothers chose as the motto of the celebration, on 26 June 2021, in the Formation House in Madurai (India), Brothers Anil Tigga, Ashok Kerketta, Maria Andrews, Valan Pankras Arther and Sumilan Soreng said their definitive yes to the Lord as Brothers of the Holy Family.

The ceremony was very familiar and almost “private” because of the confinement in India, and especially - strictly - in Tamil Nadu. Only a few relatives of two Brothers were able to be present; there were no guests from outside, not even religious or priests. Three Brothers from Bangalore were able to be present.

The Madurai community, along with other Brothers who were in the house, really got down to work and together we tried to solemnise the event of Perpetual Profession as much as possible, with a lot of decoration and music. The families of the Brothers, friends, relatives, Brothers’ Communities... could not be present, but we made up for it with a celebration that was recorded on Facebook (live) so that everyone could follow it at home. 

The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the Archbishop of Madurai, Mgr. Antony Pappusamy, and concelebrated by his secretary. The Brother Delegate, who had recently returned from Spain, received the perpetual vows on behalf of the Provincial and the whole Institute. At the end of the ceremony, thanksgiving by the Brothers, messages from the Provincial and General, and the usual family photos. The event concluded with a simple family meal with a tasty “mutton biryani” (Indian paella) from Tamil Nadu and “fruit-salad” for dessert.


The Sa-Fa Vocation Team in the meeting of 27th April 2020, planned to expand its mission and for that purpose the whole Institute was divided into three groups. Bro. Bosco was appointed as Brother responsible for coordinating the Asian countries of Philippines, India, Indonesia and Timor Leste.

The Brothers responsible of vocation promotion in these countries (Grasiano Mbaling, Julio Marshal, Paul Raj y Jhon Bosco) have had up to now 7 online meetings. Two WhatsApp groups are going on to keep regular contact with the Brothers who work in the vocational animation. There are 17 Brothers, 2 lay persons and some formees involved in vocational animation.

Quite a number of activities have been done:
- reflecting on the mission of vocation promotion,
- gathering the vocation promotion plans for each country,
- sharing the vocational activities done in each place,
sending the news to the Sa-Fa Vocation Team,
- identifying the Brothers involved in vocational promotion,
- sending their emails to the main team coordinator,
- studying the document “Principles and Ingredients of Vocational Animation”,
- reading the letter sent by Bro. Animator General to the vocational animators of the Institute,
- discussing the idea of creating a web page or any social network as means of vocation propaganda,
- producing some videos on different vocational and formation topicss, 
- using the prayer for Sa-Fa Vocations and the Logo of the vocation team,
- collaborating in the Virtual contents group.  

This initiative of working together helped to improve the vocational reality of the Asian countries. A good fraternal, friendly and cordial atmosphere was prevailing during the various meetings. 


Philippines: an experience that opens the doors to fraternity





The vocation camp, an activity that brings together young people interested in knowing, discerning and being part of our Congregation, took place from 28 to 30 May 2021 in the Brothers’ community of Lasang, where Gabriel Taborin College is located. It was three days of prayer, reflection and sharing.

The intention of this group of young people was to know, understand and discover their vocation. Brother Bosco welcomed the candidates and guided them through the different activities during the three days of the vocational experience.

They were encouraged to let go of their worries and to pay attention to what God wanted to tell them through the different activities. The speakers presented different themes: vocation, discernment, the Founder, the formation plan, the importance of listening, and the value of personal prayer.

It was an opportunity for them to experience the life of a community, to clarify the doubts they had about religious life and to express the challenges they experience in the reality in which they live. It was emphasised that life is made up of the choices we make, and that we are called to share God’s goodness and love with others, especially with the poor and unfortunate in our world.

Throughout the camp the candidates shared their talents and skills by singing, dancing and playing instruments in the evenings. On the last day they were able to visit the College to familiarise themselves with the educational mission of the Brothers of the Holy Family. The vocation animator had a personal interview with each of the candidates encouraging them to grow in their vocation. Each of them took home with them the fruits of this vocational experience.






L'Équipe Vocation Sa-Fa définit, dans sa Feuille de route, sa programmation pour la période 2020 - 2022.

Cette Feuille de Route à l’image d’une vigne se définit en quatre grands noyaux destinés aux groupes cibles suivants : l'Équipe elle-même (les Racines), les Animateurs de vocation (les Grappes), la Famille Sa-Fa (Pro-vocation) et les candidats à la vocation (Fécondité).

Il s'agit d'un programme ouvert qui ne se limite pas à ce qui est écrit. Ce programme accueille les nouvelles initiatives pour s’enrichir. Le mode de fonctionnement de l'Équipe favorisera l'interaction avec chacun des quatre noyaux. De cette interaction découleront de nouvelles initiatives, demandes ou besoins auxquels l'Équipe sera ouverte pour atteindre ses objectifs.

La méthode de travail sera normalement axée sur des projets et des propositions spécifiques plutôt que sur des objectifs généraux.

Nous présentons les lignes d'orientation sur lesquelles les efforts de l'Équipe seront concentrés sur le tableau suivant :


 Destinée aux membres de l'Équipe Vocation Sa-Fa.

Travailler sur les motivations et les fondements de l´animation vocationnelle avec une attitude de recherche.

Recueillir des informations sur la réalité des vocations dans l'Institut et les faire connaître aux Animateurs des vocations.

Coordonner les différentes propositions.

Motiver les Animateurs des vocations en recherchant des raisons, des exemples, des expériences, des réalités qui soutiennent la vérité, la beauté et la bonté de notre vocation, par exemple: bonne administration des ressources, compagnonnage humain et religieux et soutien dans la faiblesse personnelle, capacité créative de l´Institut, travail en commun pour des idéaux partagés, amour de Dieu...

Psyché. Les aspects psychologiques qui aident à grandir dans une vocation F.S.F. Encourager les jeunes à découvrir dans nos Communautés les ressources, les exemples et les modèles pour guérir et intégrer la vulnérabilité.

FGT. Pour savoir comment le Frère Gabriel a vécu son animation vocationnelle et découvrir les lignes d'inspiration qui ont porté leurs fruits.

Ingrédients de l´animation des vocations. Préparer un document qui servira de base au travail avec les Animateurs.

Chercheurs. Rechercher des expériences vocationnelles qui portent du fruit, à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur de notre Institut, et les partager avec les autres Animateurs de vocations afin qu'ils puissent les adapter à leur place.


 Destinée aux Animateurs de vocations dans tout l'Institut.

Mise en réseau avec les Animateurs de vocation par continent ou par langue.

La Grappe. Animer, impliquer et partager avec d'autres Frères animateurs de vocations dans différentes parties de l'Institut, en organisant périodiquement des réunions en vidéoconférence ou présentielles pour traiter des questions liées à la promotion des vocations.

Cours avec des Animateurs de vocations Sa-Fa. Former de futurs Animateurs de vocations au moyen d'une conférence en ligne sur les vocations et/ou d'un guide sur: Motivation théologique, Frère Gabriel comme Animateur des vocations, Ingrédients de l´animation des vocations, Bible, Pédagogie pratique (didactique), Psychologie.

Motiver les animateurs de vocation à participer à des cours, des réunions ou des ateliers organisés par des organisations ecclésiales pour apprendre des autres ce qui peut nous aider à améliorer notre façon de faire.

- Elaborer quelques critères de sélection des candidats.

- Etablir le profil du Frère de la Sainte Famille.

Le salon. Créer un forum pour partager des opinions et des propositions sur l´animation des vocations sur différents sujets.

Phoenix. Aider les Animateurs de vocations découragés et frustrés par le manque de fruits à renaître de leurs cendres (à ressusciter), en les encourageant à réessayer d'une nouvelle manière, avec des propositions rafraîchissantes.

Encourager et guider la mise à jour périodique des plans d´animation de vocations.

- Assister les Équipes ou Commissions Vocationnelles qui existent dans les Provinces ou Délégations.

Motiver les personnes en formation dès les premières étapes de la formation afin qu'elles puissent connaître et expérimenter l'animation des vocations et ainsi avoir les bases pour être Animateurs de vocations à l'avenir.

- Partager le matériel vocationnel produit au moyen des applications Google Drive ou OneDrive.

PHASE 3: Pro-vocation.

 Destinée à tous les membres de la Famille Sa-Fa.

Des outils qui permettent de partager avec la Famille Sa-Fa la réponse vocationnelle qui a pris vie.

Témoignage. Créer de courtes vidéos de Frères ou de Communautés où ils saluent et racontent leur vie et la mission qu'ils accomplissent; ainsi que sur la vie du Frère Gabriel et comment il a vécu sa vocation religieuse.

Créer dans nos environnements Sa-Fa une vision et une appréciation positives de la vocation de Frère de la Sainte Famille.

Influenceurs/Argonautes. Présence dans les réseaux internationaux par le biais de: la création de pages web vocationnelles ou en incluant dans celles déjà existantes des sections vocationnelles, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, des blogs, des groupes WhatsApp...

Les générateurs de contenu pour créer des slogans et des petites intrigues qui peuvent être distribués par le biais des réseaux sociaux ; les graphistes pour préparer le matériel (affiches, bannières, autocollants); et les viraliseurs auxquels le contenu peut être envoyé et qui peuvent le distribuer parmi leurs contacts.

L'imagination. Espace d'expression de la créativité par les arts graphiques, par le biais de concours ou d'expositions sur les émoticônes, les sentiments ou les expériences vocationnelles.

Allumez votre lumière. Journée vocationnelle hebdomadaire pour prier pour quelqu'un, pour sa propre vocation, pour ce que Dieu veut de lui, à travers une application dans laquelle on peut interagir (allumer des bougies, planter des fleurs ou coller des émoticônes sur un panneau d'affichage).

Fides. Encourager la foi dans les jeunes.


 Destinée aux candidats ou à ceux qui ont une vocation.

Des propositions vocationnelles pour éveiller et faire grandir les candidats dans leur vocation.

Animation vocationnelle en personne: visites d'écoles ou de groupes pastoraux, visites de familles ; rencontres vocationnelles (thèmes, prières, jeux, interviews, apostolat...) ; jeux de rôle, flashmob, team building, partage de la Bible, jeux de société...

Vocation Networking: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, Vocational App, Videoconferencing; Build your dream (Dreams' builders): type de jeu en ligne et sur Internet qui vous met au défi de découvrir votre vocation en surmontant les obstacles (venez, voyez, décidez)

L'esprit de famille. La Communauté des Frères accueille les jeunes et entretient avec eux confiance et amitié, exprime les raisons de suivre la vocation et partage son témoignage de vie afin qu'ils soient attirés par la Communauté et trouvent ainsi le sens de leur vocation et se considèrent dignes d'y répondre.

"A l'école de Nazareth". Proposer ce document comme guide pour les aspirants.

Créer de courtes vidéos qui expliquent aux candidats la maison de formation initiale (objectif de la formation, rythme des activités) et les différentes étapes de la formation.

Impliquer les candidats, qui sont en contact avec nous, à travers des activités (concours) dans les mois significatifs pour nous (Fondateur, Sainte Famille, Vocation) et remettre les prix au camp des vocations.





The Sa-Fa Vocational Team defines its programming in the Roadmap for the period 2020 - 2022.

This Roadmap defines four major nuclei aimed at the following targeted groups: the Team itself (Roots), the Vocational Animators (Cluster), the Sa-Fa Family (Pro-vocation) and the vocational candidates (Fertility).

It is an open program that is not only limited to the written framework but also it is open to new initiatives. The Team's way of working will favour an interaction with each of the four nuclei. New initiatives, demands or needs will arise from the interaction to which the Team will be open to favour its objectives.

The working method will normally be based on specific projects and proposals rather than general objectives.

We present in the following table the guidelines on which the Team's efforts will be focused:


 Intended for members of the Sa-Fa Vocation Team.

Work on the motivations and foundations of the vocational animation with a searching attitude.

Gathering information about the vocational reality in the Institute and making it known to the vocation animators.

Coordinating the various proposals.

Motivating the vocational Animators by seeking reasons, examples, experiences and realities that support the truth, beauty and goodness of our vocation, for example: good administration of resources, human and religious companionship and support in personal weakness, congregational creative capacity, working together for shared ideals, getting in love of God.

Psyche: Psychological aspects that help to grow into a F.S.F. vocation. Encouraging young people to discover in our Communities the resources, examples and models to heal and integrate vulnerability.

BGT: To investigate how Brother Gabriel lived out his vocational animation and discovering the inspiring lines that bore fruit.

Ingredients of the Vocational Animation: To prepare a document that will serve as a source for the work with the animators.

Searchers: To search for vocational experiences that are bearing fruit, within or outside our Congregation and share them with other vocational animators so that they can adapt them to their contexts.


 Aimed at the vocational animators throughout the Institute.

Networking with the vocational animators by continent or language.

Cluster: Encouraging, involving and sharing with other Brothers who are vocational animators in different parts of the Institute by having periodic telematics or face-to-face meetings to deal with issues related to the vocational animation.

Course for the vocational animators Sa-Fa: To train future vocational animators by means of an online vocational conference and/or a guide on: theological motivation, Brother Gabriel as a vocational animator, ingredients of the vocational animation, Bible, practical pedagogy (didactics), psychology….

Motivating the vocational animators to participate in courses, meetings or workshops organized by Church bodies in order to learn from others what can help us to improve our way of doing. 

To develop criteria for the selection of candidates. 

To draw up a profile of the Brother of the Holy Family.

Living room: To create a forum to share opinions and proposals on the vocational animation on different topics.

Phoenix: To help raise from the ashes (to be risen) vocational animators who are discouraged and frustrated by the lack of fruits, encouraging them to try again in a new way, with refreshing proposals. 

To encourage and guide the periodic updating of vocational animation plans

Assisting the vocational teams or commissions that exist in the Provinces or Delegations. 

To motivate those in formation from the initial stages of formation so that they may know and experience participating in the vocational animation and thus have the basis to be vocational animators in the future.

To share the vocational materials that are being produced through the Google Drive or One Drive applications.

PHase 3: Pro-vocación.

 Intended for all members of the Sa-Fa Family.

Tools that help to share with the Sa-Fa Family the vocational response incarnated.

Testimony: To create short videos of Brothers or Communities where they greet and tell about their life and the mission they carry out; as well as about the life of Brother Gabriel and how he lived his religious vocation. 

To boost in our Sa-Fa environments a positive vision and appreciation for the vocation of the Brother of the Holy Family. 

Influencers/Argonauts: Presence in the internet and social networks through: the creation of vocational web pages or including in the already existing ones some vocational sections, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, blogs, WhatsApp groups... 

Content generators: To create slogans and short plots that can be distributed through social networks; graphic designers to prepare materials (posters, banners, stickers); and viralizers to whom content can be sent and who can distribute it among their contacts. 

Imagination: Space to express creativity using graphic arts through competitions or exhibitions about vocational emoticons, feelings or vocational experiences. 

Enlighting: Weekly vocational day to pray for someone, for one's own vocation, for what God wants from oneself by means of an application in which one can interact (lighting candles, planting flowers or posting emoticons on a billboard).

Fides. To encourage faith in young people.


 Intended for candidates or those with a vocation.

Vocational proposals to awaken and make the candidates grow in their vocation.

Vocational animation in person: Visits to schools or pastoral groups, visits to families; vocational meetings (themes, prayers, games, interviews, apostolate...); role-playing, flashmob, team building, Bible sharing, parlour games...

Vocation on the networks: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, Vocational App and videoconferencing.

Build your dream (Dreams' builders): Internet and online game that challenges you to discover your vocation by overcoming challenges (come, see and decide). 

Family spirit: The community of Brothers welcomes young people and nurtures trust and friendship with them, expresses the reasons for following the vocation and shares its life witness, so that they feel attracted to the community and thus find the meaning of their vocation and consider themselves worthy to respond to it. 

"In the school of Nazareth": To offer this document as a guide for the aspirancies. 

To create short videos that explain to the candidates about the house of initial formation (objective of the formation, rhythm of activities) and the different stages of the formation.

To involve the candidates who are in contact with us, through activities (competitions) in our meaningful months (Founder, Holy Family, Vocation) and to distribute the prizes to the participants and winners at the vocation camp.

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India The year begins with good news. It is a time for harvesting the fruits of our hard work on t...