
Indonesia: World Vocational Sunday

May 8, it was the worldwide vocation Sunday. The Mass was very lively and the liturgy was very memorable because in the procession there were children wearing liturgical costumes. Some played the role of a nun, some played the role of a priest, some played as a brother and some played a bishop. This provided an overview of the future for children.

In this World Vocational Sunday event, the vicar and the parish priest wanted to appreciate in front of the parishioners at the Saint Martinus Parish, Balai Berkuak, the church services done by the Sisters, Brothers, and the other lay ministers.

When the Mass was over, an activity of vocation promotion was held in each of the groups guided by Br. Grasiano Mbaling FSF. Children and young people from elementary and junior high school, together with some priests, sisters, brothers and parishioners participated in the event.

After the activities were carried out in this world week of vocations the children and the people know about: the vision and mission of each Congregation; what is to be a Brother, a Sister, a Father, a Bishop; the life of the Brothers, Sisters, and priests; the purpose of living together for Sisters and Brothers.

These were some of the activities carried out on the week of vocations by the Brothers and lay people.


NAZAREADA: jóvenes de la familia SaFa en búsqueda vocacional


El día 7 de mayo tuvimos una hermosa Nazareada con jóvenes y no tan jóvenes de Córdoba, Buenos Aires, Tandil, Santa Lucía, Santa María, San Fernando, Itapiranga, San Pablo, Minas Gerais, Quito, Bucaramanga, Valladolid, Madrid y Angola... ¡Un regalo con motivo de la Jornada Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones! Pudimos reflexionar sobre la posibilidad de transformar nuestras vidas a partir de una mirada compasiva hacía las personas que sufren en nuestros entornos, y orar sobre esto.


INDIA: vocation camps and family visits.

In the month of April, Brother Joji and Mr. Johnson have visited 62 families in Khammam and Guntur dioceses.  The response of the family’s members was really good and we are expecting some interested boys for the Come and See camp, which will happen in the month of May in Eluru community. 

We had a Come and See camp for Mysore diocese at the end of the month of April. The 14 interested boys were happy doing all the activities such as praying, loving, enjoying, eating and playing together as a Holy Family. We had an interview with the boys and they gave positive response to come and join to the Congregation, which is first step for us to take and mould them in the formation houses.


The Philippines: pushing vocational animation


The Vicar General visited our delegation. He motivated well the goals of our mission and he insisted a lot about vocation promotion. He reminded us that all the Brothers of this delegation should involve in vocation promotion. He appreciated the efforts had been made in getting some candidates for upcoming school year. There are some candidates are in contact with us and some are doing community experience with us.

We have made a request letter and got approval to visit the schools of the Davao Association of Catholic schools, the Catholic of Educational Association in the Philippines and the Department of Education of Panabo division. We are yet to send letter to other regions of Philippines to obtain approval for schools to visit.



In the framework of meetings of the Enlarged Council of the Delegation of India, the Perpetual Profession of Brothers Praphul Guria and Simon Raj took place on 30 April in the Community of Madurai.

“Brother, you speak by your life and you pray by what you are”. With these words, which the Brothers chose as the motto of the celebration, after almost a month of preparation, Brothers Praphul Guria (from Jharkhand) and Simon Raj (from Tamil Nadu) said their definitive yes to the Lord as Brothers of the Holy Family.

Many Brothers were able to be present, as there were meetings of the Enlarged Council of the Delegation taking place during these days. Most of the family members who attended the ceremony came from Brother Simon’s side. Priests, religious men and women were also present. There was representation from all the Indian Communities. The Madurai community, together with the Brothers who were in the house, really got down to work and together we tried to make the event of Perpetual Profession as solemn as possible, with a lot of decoration and music.

The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the Bishop Emeritus of Sivagangai, Mgr. Susai Manickam, and concelebrated by several priests, including the parish priest of Br. Simon and a professor of Br. Praphul. The Brother Delegate received perpetual vows on behalf of the Provincial and the whole Institute. At the end of the ceremony, thanksgiving by the Brothers, messages from the Provincial and General, and the typical Brother and family photos. The event concluded with a fraternal and family meal with the tasty “mutton biryani” (Indian paella) from Tamil Nadu and fruit-salad for dessert.



El 9 de abril tuvimos la última sesión online del curso de animadores vocacionales SaFa. Fuimos más de ochenta, procedentes de 16 países, los que de un modo u otro participamos en esta interesante e importante aventura. Ha sido una alegría y satisfacción hacer realidad en este proyecto vocacional de Instituto. 

Juntos vivimos esta experiencia de fraternidad internacional, intercultural e intergeneracional; juntos construimos el curso, juntos creamos comunidad SaFa y juntos resolvimos los problemas que surgieron. Con nuestras mejores disposiciones comenzamos el curso con ilusión, mantuvimos el buen ánimo, nos centramos en lo positivo, nos enriquecimos con las aportaciones de los demás y pusimos de nuestra parte.

Hemos conseguido los objetivos que motivaron la realización de este curso: los animadores vocacionales nos hemos preparado para trabajar en la animación vocacional SaFa, ahora disponemos de más recursos para desarrollar nuestra labor vocacional, y hemos creado relaciones más intensas con los otros animadores vocacionales del Instituto.

Agradecemos a Dios la gracia que ha supuesto el primer curso de animadores vocacionales SaFa. Esperamos que las semillas sembradas en nosotros, crezcan como proyectos vocacionales en los lugares donde desarrollamos nuestra misión y fructifiquen en nuevas vocaciones dentro de la Familia Sa-Fa. Encomendamos a la Sagrada Familia esta aventura sinodal para continuar caminando juntos.


ESPAÑA: Ágora del Evangelio

“Cantando, bailando, rezando…te he conocido y me has ayudado a querer más” comenta una alumna de tercero de la ESO de Horta, Barcelona.  Hemos vivido esta experiencia, desde la fe y la ilusión, en el encuentro vocacional.  Hemos  unido nuestros caminos a través de la música y pedimos constancia y esfuerzo para  seguir creciendo más. Ha sido una oportunidad para iniciar vínculos que deseamos potenciar en campamentos, convivencias, pascuas… Todo lo vivido nos compromete a seguir avanzando como personas y como grupo en la pastoral Sa-Fa.

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India The year begins with good news. It is a time for harvesting the fruits of our hard work on t...