
Benín: animación vocacional de frontera.

Animación vocacional en Benín.

El 8 de mayo de 2022, domingo del Buen Pastor, los Hermanos Joseph KAGAMBEGA y Emile Constant SAWADOGO fuimos a Boukoumbé, un pueblo situado en la frontera de Benin con Togo. Durante la Eucaristía nos presentamos y hablamos de quiénes somos y de nuestra misión. Después de la Misa nos reunimos con los jóvenes desde el 6º grado hasta el 12º. Muchos de ellos tomaron nuestros contactos.


The Philippines: Vocational video and school visits.


The Asian Vocational Cluster Animator prepared a video of 12 minutes in collaboration with the Nazareth youth. This video is prepared for using the technology in vocational animation since the younger generations are getting involved with it. It was already shared to the Asian Cluster and the Brothers in charge of Vocational animation were encouraged to produce something similar in their own languages.

The contents of the video serves as answer to many questions regarding vocational animation:  What is vocation? Where can we find the vocation in the Bible? What are the purposes of the calling? Who are the Brothers of the Holy Family? Who is Bro.  Gabriel Taborin? What are the missions done by the Brothers of the Holy Family around the world? An in the Philippines? How to contact us?

During the month of May, after breaking through many restrictions of pandemic protocols, the Brothers in the Philippines finally were able to visit 10 schools. They used the video during the meetings with the students. They hope to visit more schools in order to invite some candidates to the vocational camp.


Argentina: Encuentro vocacional Belleydoux.

Belleydoux, experiencia de discernimiento vocacional en la comunidad de formación de Córdoba.

Los días 6,7,8 y 9 de mayo Mario Córdoba, de San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca y Cristian Chaile, de Santa María, Catamarca, realizaron en nuestra comunidad de formación de Córdoba la experiencia que llamamos Belleydoux y que es el primer hito en el itinerario de discernimiento vocacional que ofrecemos a quienes deseen discernir un posible llamado a ser Hermano de la Sagrada Familia. 

El contenido se centró en la historia personal, confrontada con la historia vocacional de algunos personajes bíblicos, José y Samuel, y con la del Hno. Gabriel. Fue una muy buena experiencia en términos de autoconocimiento personal, de descubrimiento de algunos puntos significativos de la propia historia en términos vocacionales, y de identificación de tareas concretas en el hoy para caminar hacia una definición vocacional. 

Damos gracias a Dios por la experiencia de Belleydoux, continuamos caminando con entrevistas personales virtuales, y nos esperamos mutuamente en el próximo encuentro: Belmont.


Ecuador: Encuentro Vocacional en Puyo

Los días 13, 14 y 15 de mayo se realizó el “II ENCUENTRO VOCACIONAL SAFA” en el Seminario Sagrada Familia de la ciudad de Puyo en Ecuador. Fuimos acogidos en un ambiente familiar característico de las comunidades SaFa.

Los participantes fueron 21 jóvenes provenientes de las tres Unidades Educativas que administran los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia: San Vicente Ferrer de Puyo, Sagrada Familia de Ambato y Verbo Divino de Guaranda; incluidos los seminaristas de la SaFa.

El tema del encuentro estaba en consonancia con el tema de PROVOCACIÓN SAFA:  “El Sí de María”, en este mes mayo. El día sábado 14 lo realizamos en San José de Canelos lugar histórico de iniciación del VAP (Vicariato apostólico de Puyo).


Indonesia: World Vocational Sunday

May 8, it was the worldwide vocation Sunday. The Mass was very lively and the liturgy was very memorable because in the procession there were children wearing liturgical costumes. Some played the role of a nun, some played the role of a priest, some played as a brother and some played a bishop. This provided an overview of the future for children.

In this World Vocational Sunday event, the vicar and the parish priest wanted to appreciate in front of the parishioners at the Saint Martinus Parish, Balai Berkuak, the church services done by the Sisters, Brothers, and the other lay ministers.

When the Mass was over, an activity of vocation promotion was held in each of the groups guided by Br. Grasiano Mbaling FSF. Children and young people from elementary and junior high school, together with some priests, sisters, brothers and parishioners participated in the event.

After the activities were carried out in this world week of vocations the children and the people know about: the vision and mission of each Congregation; what is to be a Brother, a Sister, a Father, a Bishop; the life of the Brothers, Sisters, and priests; the purpose of living together for Sisters and Brothers.

These were some of the activities carried out on the week of vocations by the Brothers and lay people.


NAZAREADA: jóvenes de la familia SaFa en búsqueda vocacional


El día 7 de mayo tuvimos una hermosa Nazareada con jóvenes y no tan jóvenes de Córdoba, Buenos Aires, Tandil, Santa Lucía, Santa María, San Fernando, Itapiranga, San Pablo, Minas Gerais, Quito, Bucaramanga, Valladolid, Madrid y Angola... ¡Un regalo con motivo de la Jornada Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones! Pudimos reflexionar sobre la posibilidad de transformar nuestras vidas a partir de una mirada compasiva hacía las personas que sufren en nuestros entornos, y orar sobre esto.


INDIA: vocation camps and family visits.

In the month of April, Brother Joji and Mr. Johnson have visited 62 families in Khammam and Guntur dioceses.  The response of the family’s members was really good and we are expecting some interested boys for the Come and See camp, which will happen in the month of May in Eluru community. 

We had a Come and See camp for Mysore diocese at the end of the month of April. The 14 interested boys were happy doing all the activities such as praying, loving, enjoying, eating and playing together as a Holy Family. We had an interview with the boys and they gave positive response to come and join to the Congregation, which is first step for us to take and mould them in the formation houses.

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India The year begins with good news. It is a time for harvesting the fruits of our hard work on t...