
Sa-Fa Vocational Promotion in East Timor


In July we sent the Brothers and aspirants to the schools that allowed us to do vocation promotion. So this year we have got 125 candidates from different municipalities. The diocesan priests, our friends and some families collaborated with us in this task. This year we went to new places like: Same and Ainaro.

Contact by mobile phone is the way that we are using right now to keep contact with the families of the candidates. The responsible of vocational promotion had interviews with the candidates. They are also having health tests before coming to our community next year.

Our candidates are going to have in January their vocational experience in our community for five days. Afterwards they will become aspirants in our formation house.


Ingredients of Sa-Fa vocation animation 21

 How to apply the richness of our charism

to vocational animation?


Our charism stands out for many qualities that make it very rich while remaining simple and humble. Nazarene spirituality is characterized above all by the family spirit, the Nazarene virtues and the missionary spirit that our founder Brother Gabriel Taborin left us.

The family spirit is what most summons and attracts many people, that is: to feel integrated, to feel included, to be part of the same spirit of love. It is a very practical charism, very easy to understand and most people have experienced this feeling in their own families. If we can extrapolate this family feeling to a broader level and see the other person as a true brother, the charism illuminates, expands and is taken to other areas.

Taking the Holy Family and the motto “in love, work and charity, peace” as examples, the candidate can discover in a natural and simple way that the Brother vocation is not rare, and on the other hand, he is called to an extended family, at the service of others.


The first step is to deepen personally and as a community in the legacy of the Founder, to be ever more faithful to his teachings and to live the Nazarene virtues in the communities when educating and evangelizing. The missionary spirit must always remain firm and available to the call of the Church, announcing the Gospel with joy.

Among the riches of our charism, the dedication to human formation, the christian education and prayer in an atmosphere of freedom and evangelical charity, are the aspects that attract and encourage to be lived in daily life and should be applied always and everywhere, being attentive to the signs of the times and updating knowledge. It is necessary to transmit it in the present, understanding the local needs and the present moment, teaching it in a way that captivates so that those who are called can look at themselves, their life stories, the present and the future.

Moreover, no one can encourage another person if he does not have strong and sufficient reasons that motivate and sustain his own vocation. The charism of each one must be lived as a grace of God to make his own life and that of others more fruitful. If the agents of proclamation are credible, the whole charism has more strength to attract new candidates to the consecrated religious life or lay people committed to the charism. That is why it is fundamental the testimony of each one, the coherence of life, the joy of living the Gospel, since it encourages spirituality with one's own experience.

In vocational animation we should apply the richness of the charism, welcoming others as they are, accompanying them in the processes they need, teaching them the Nazarene virtues that characterize them: humility, simplicity, union, obedience, surrender. Having open positions, building good relationships, maintaining active communication and a close accompaniment helps young people to listen and accept the proposals in their social groups and then they can consider a different lifestyle. The family spirit is manifested and lived with people in need, giving help, listening, encouraging according to each place, each activity and each person.

Living under the roof of Nazareth, where human and christian virtues help to discover new horizons and have a force of attraction that make us think and rethink different ways of life, open the doors for the candidates to consider the possibility of belonging to the Sa-Fa Family or to assume the vocation of Brother.


The virtues of the charism should be known in daily life, at work, in the families, encouraging participation in the different proposals that arise from the different teams, making the invitation to be part of the Sa-Fa Family to everyone. Our way of life should be a living testimony of the love of Nazareth, both in the performance of our functions and as vocational animator, by working and reflecting the fraternal spirit in all the instances of participation that our works and communities have. 

Lay people think that the Sa-Fa charism and the Nazarene spirituality is so rich and attractive that it will not die, even without the presence of the Brothers. The laity, imbued with this charism, is also called to sustain it, reinvent it, spread it and work for its growth, especially because the Nazarene charism lives through the breath of the Spirit and it is the work of God and a gift for the Church.

Undoubtedly, the richness of the charism in vocational animation allows it to remain alive and attractive when it is shown. Besides it has to be remembered that each charism should be at the service of other charisms since we are part of the mystical body of Christ, which is the Church. We must be aware that it is a challenge to achieve a harmonious coexistence among all of them when we have to work cooperatively or as a team.

We experience the same thing among the laity and consecrated people when we have to work in a synodal way, by sharing the charism with other lay people, being a living memory of the Founder and contributing to the edification of the Church, attending to the good of mankind and facing the needs of the world.

Considering the Founder and Jesus, Mary and Joseph as our icons, our motto as a proposal of life, the family spirit as a way of life, and the fraternity and Nazarene spirituality as distinctive and novel ideals to be achieved; the Nazarene Taborinian charism can always be applied: it is a way of living the Gospel within the whole Church.


Vocation promotion in Meghalaya and Jharkhand


The months of October and November have been months for vocation promotion in two tribal states of India: Meghalaya and Jharkhand.

In the month of October Brother Selvan, vocation coordinator, along with the Brothers of Jowai community have done vocation promotion in three dioceses of Meghalaya state: Jowai, Nongstoin and Tura. Since it was the time for the selection texts, they could not address much the students in the schools. Instead of that they concentrated in visiting the families of the aspirants who are in our formation house of Eluru and the candidates who were already in contact with us. Finally, 10 schools were visited and 121 boys want to know about us.

During the month of November Brother Selvan visited four dioceses in Jharkhand state. The interesting factor was that a new diocese had been visited: Dumka. It is located near to West Bengal state. The tribal santals were evangelized by the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits helped a lot in the vocation promotion. Totally 14 schools were visited. Together with the other 3 more dioceses 30 schools were visited in Jharkhand and 250 boys responded positively. Let us pray the seeds that have been planted bear abundant fruits in due time.


Ingredientes de la animación vocacional Sa-Fa 20

Los aspectos más trascendentes de la vida consagrada   

Nuestro carisma nazareno, tiene aspectos tan importantes como simples y sencillos. El Hno. Gabriel en su afán de transmitir las enseñanzas de Cristo supo ver las necesidades de su época y percibió la importancia de la educación para poder enseñar el evangelio y transmitir la dimensión profética de Jesús.

Seguramente el ejemplo de su familia y las enseñanzas recibidas del amor a Dios fueron los que despertaron en él esos sentimientos de amor a la Sagrada Familia que finalmente marcó la consagración de su obra. El carisma nazareno está impregnado del espíritu de familia, espíritu que tiñe todas las obras en todos los lugares donde se encuentran.

En la animación vocacional es fundamental fomentar el espíritu de familia, característica destacada de quienes se sienten llamados, animados e impulsados por el carisma del Hermano Gabriel Taborin. “Este espíritu deriva de los lazos vitales que unían a los miembros de la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret y cuya fuente primera es la Santísima Trinidad”. (Constituciones de los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia).

Tal vez el punto más importante de nuestra animación vocacional sea vivir como hermanos. La vida fraterna es una expresión privilegiada de la comunión que es la Iglesia, un reflejo de la comunidad trinitaria, en cuanto al modo de vivir las relaciones interpersonales. La vida fraterna, el amor a la comunidad, puede potenciar el entusiasmo y dar más energía para la misión.

La vida consagrada debe ser "memoria viva de Jesús", "manifestar su rostro", mostrar su dimensión profética, ser la expresión del anuncio del Reino, llevando una vida fraterna en cada ambiente en el que toque servir en este mundo tan necesitado de fe, de esperanza y amor. La imitación y el amor a Cristo, Maestro, Amigo, Hermano, Padre, Catequista que continuamente alaba y ora a Dios debe ser el propósito cotidiano.

El carisma nazareno tiene la virtud de ser simple, sencillo y humilde. Estas características hacen que sea más fácil de transmitir y contagiar, fácil de entender y vivir, al servicio de los pobres y necesitados, según el ejemplo de Jesús y de la Sagrada Familia.

Hay que destacar otras características que, al momento de llevar adelante la vida como Hermano y educador, pueden influir positivamente en la vida de los demás: la coherencia, la sencillez, la humildad, la amabilidad, la generosidad, el entusiasmo, la empatía, el respeto, los valores humanos y cristianos, inspirados siempre por la Sagrada Familia.

Se pueden subrayar otros aspectos relacionados con el lema del instituto: “En la oración, el trabajo y el amor, la paz”.

LA ORACIÓN debe marcar la fuerza que alimenta diariamente al consagrado y respalda la confianza radical en Dios.  Junto a la escucha atenta de la Palabra, dan la fuerza necesaria para vivir la vocación con austeridad, sencillez, humildad, disposición a servir al otro, compromiso, alegría, paciencia y en comunión con la comunidad, con la familia Sa-Fa, con la Iglesia y con las demás personas.

EL TRABAJO: La obra del instituto está volcada principalmente a la educación, la catequesis y la animación litúrgica, que son los espacios más importantes a destacar en relación con la animación vocacional. La educación para formar buenas personas, buenos ciudadanos con principios, virtudes y ética. La catequesis donde se brindan los valores Sa-Fa o la espiritualidad Sa-Fa con la cual podemos anunciar la Buena Nueva y hacer crecer la fe de los niños y jóvenes. Y la animación litúrgica donde se comparte, se celebra y se consagra a Dios y su amor por los hombres.

EL AMOR que todo lo abarca, que todo lo tiñe, que todo lo puede 

Con respecto a los VOTOS que deben hacer los consagrados como Hermanos habría que remarcar que:

- La Pobreza abre al espíritu de Jesús en una vida de austeridad, viviendo del trabajo y compartiendo los bienes con los demás.

- La Castidad se entiende desde la virginidad de Jesús. Estar seducidos por el amor infinito del Padre y optar por dejar el corazón vacío y abierto, entregado solamente para Dios.

- La Obediencia promueve la libre disposición y la búsqueda de la voluntad de Dios porque conlleva una fidelidad a sí mismo y a lo que Dios puede pedir. Al final se trata del mayor acto de libertad para elegir personal y voluntariamente someterse a la Voluntad de Dios.

Los LAICOS asociados a la Congregación, miembros de las Fraternidades Nazarenas, viven la vocación bautismal junto a los Hermanos según la espiritualidad nazarena-taboriniana en todos los ámbitos de la vida, en la familia, en el trabajo y en todas las relaciones, para irradiar el carisma en la Iglesia y el mundo, según lo que propone el compromiso asumido: “..me comprometo a vivir el Evangelio y a trabajar en la Iglesia por el Reino de Dios, inspirándome en la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret y viviendo el espíritu de familia en mi estado de vida, en conformidad con el Estatuto de la Asociación Fraternidades Nazarenas…”

Hay que recordar que el rasgo distintivo de la vida consagrada radica en la dedicación exclusiva a Dios, de manera que toda la existencia se pone a Su servicio de forma total, plena y exclusiva. En el Instituto las enseñanzas del Fundador hicieron hincapié en las cualidades que contribuyen a la dicha, la prosperidad y la fuerza de la Congregación.

El Hermano Gabriel Taborin recuerda al Hermano cuáles son las actitudes cristianas características de su estilo de vida, todas ellas expresiones del “espíritu de cuerpo y de familia”: “Las virtudes que distinguen a un auténtico Hermano de la Sagrada Familia son una fe viva, una obediencia pronta y total, un celo ardiente y desinteresado, una profunda humildad, una pureza constante y, finalmente, el amor al trabajo, al retiro y al silencio”.


Llamados a vivir en las Fraternidades Nazarenas


Durante los días 5 y 6 de noviembre se desarrolló el Retiro de FFNN en la Villa Sagrada Familia de San Antonio de Arredondo. Allí con gran alegría y entusiasmo fueron llegando los 102 participantes provenientes de las Fraternidades de Buenos Aires, Tandil, Casilda (Santa Fe), Santa María (Catamarca), Santa Lucía Tucumán, Bell Ville y Córdoba (capital) con el acompañamiento de los Hermanos: José, Valentín, Germán, Alberto, Juan Carlos, Mamerto, Fernando y Edgardo, el Hno. Animador Provincial.

Esta presencia tan numerosa se debió, en parte, a que en el transcurso del presente año surgieron nuevas Fraternidades que se sumaron a la convocatoria de nuestro carisma que se extiende en la gran Familia Sa-Fa. Es una forma en la que algunos laicos se sienten llamados a vivir su vocación Sa-Fa y acompañan estos tiempos de Sinodalidad que nos pide el Papa.

La temática fue: “ALGO NUEVO ESTÁ NACIENDO” y lo animó la Sra. Mónica Córdoba de la Fraternidad de Santa Lucía (Tucumán). Fue un hermoso encuentro donde se vivió le espíritu de familia en la diversidad y originalidad de cada una de las Fraternidades.


Ingredients of Sa-Fa vocation animation 19

Elements of personal, psychological and spiritual growth 

to cultivate in the candidates


In order to accompany a candidate, we must consider many aspects that we have seen in these blogs. However, there are others that we must take into account as far as the personality is concerned, when complementing his/her training and knowledge, assessing his/her emotional and psychological state and, fundamentally, seeing his/her spiritual growth. Undoubtedly, the personal, psychological and spiritual aspects of a person are closely related.

First of all, we must take into account the PERSONAL ASPECT of the candidate. We have to know and accept his life story, to help him to heal ties with his mother and father if necessary, to understand the candidate's family environment and to give guidelines for support to help him grow in his vocation.

A spiritual guide has to show him that God is everywhere, that living in His presence helps us to be emotionally detached and that daily prayer and meditation are the driving force of this new path, to achieve openness to formation and readiness for a good discernment activity.

Once the candidate is focused on the proposal, there must be a vital balance where the motivation does not come as an escape or a refuge from his previous life, because in the end the process only becomes an excuse for not facing his own life.

The greatest characteristic that must exist is that the candidate feels free to choose and live the process with the conviction of feeling loved, wanted and accompanied without conditioning. There is no spirit of freedom in his choice and if he does not consider that he should live at the service of others. It would be difficult for his vocation to grow and to discover what gifts he has received to put them at the service of others.

With regard to
the PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT, it would be advisable at the beginning to have a personalized psychological accompaniment to analyze with serenity his emotional stability, his psychic maturity, his self-control, his will, his sensitivity, his complexes, his frustrations, his human and Christian values, his self-respect or self-esteem, his dignity, his sense of gratitude and loyalty, etc.

At the same time, self-knowledge is very important when discerning a vocation, also sincerity first of all with himself and later with the agents or animators who accompany him/her: the acceptance of limitations, the openness to others and the desire to sincerely know God's plan for his/her life, the capacity to offer his life to others, to ask himself about the meaning and value of life are very important too.

At the same time, psychological growth is related to SPIRITUAL GROWTH, a real spiritual growth contributes to a psychic maturity where human and Christian values are in balance. Spiritual growth allows a better psychological growth that helps the candidate to have more psychic maturity to face a new life project, free of tensions, anxieties, disturbances, complexes, with greater tolerance to crises. In this way, it would be more viable to take on this new life project, with all that it implies.

In relation to a candidate's spirituality, it is important that he should be accompanied by someone who helps him to awaken and respond to the call, as well as to build a life project that gives meaning and dynamism to his path and existence.  It is important for spiritual growth and maturity to have an attitude of personal honesty in relation to the living process with the people and institutions he comes in contact with, and to be open and available to what the processes shows.

Prayer, both personal and communitarian, must be cultivated in the candidate, as it is very important to help him to understand himself better, to discover the living memory of Jesus who lived, according to the so-called "evangelical counsels", the meaning of voluntary poverty, humility, dedication, continuous obedience to the Father, and thus to understand better what his mission would be and the relevance of fraternal and communitarian life.

Every candidate needs to be supported by a LIFE PROJECT that helps to guide his psychological and spiritual growth. A life project committed to the love of God, that is generous with others, that has self-sacrifice in favor of people in need, encouraging him to give his life freely, that does not seek immediate satisfaction but learns to tolerate frustration and to accept conflicts. If the life project is developed freely, without anxieties or utopias, it is more likely to germinate with greater success.

Bearing in mind that these elements are basically for candidates for consecrated life, it is necessary to emphasize that the candidate should understand that the Lord must be the light, the way, the truth and the guide in his daily work.

Understanding "the spirituality of Jesus" as a concrete style of life that leads those who follow him to live at the service of a worthier life and more open to hope in the Mystery of God.

He must make the commitment to live the life of a Brother of the Holy Family as Brother Gabriel taught. His example of life is the source and the humble way to a healthy, creative, liberating and hope-generating spirituality.

Only a life project that leads him to be an integral person, that is to say, with psychic and spiritual maturity and with true love for the vocation, can be the basis for acquiring the commitment to live the consecrated life and the following of Christ as our Nazarene Taborinian spirituality proposes to us.


Animación vocacional en Colombia


Desde el pasado mes de octubre la comunidad de los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia de Bucaramanga (Colombia) en compañía de nuestro Hermano Provincial, Jorge García, y el Hermano Carlos Fernando Amor Guerra ha iniciado una aventura vocacional por la Diócesis de Socorro y San gil y la Arquidiócesis de Pamplona. El objetivo es visitar los colegios presentando a los jóvenes un estilo de vida concreto como el de la vida consagrada y específicamente la vida de Hermano de la Sagrada Familia. En el video recogemos algunas fotos de nuestra aventura:

A continuación, presentamos dos testimonios de estas visitas vocacionales:

“Quiero expresar en estas sencillas líneas la experiencia que he vivido en esta animación vocacional.

Primero, reconozco que estoy siendo enviado por Cristo, valiéndose de los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia para tan grande y sublime misión. En consecuencia, de esto, tengo la certeza de que es el mismo Cristo quien se aproxima a los jóvenes, haciendo la invitación a seguirle en una vida virtuosa de castidad, pobreza y obediencia, a través de la Congregación de los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia.

Fueron numerosos jóvenes los que atendían atentamente a la invitación en los colegios, otros pocos, por el contrario, parecían estar indiferentes ante las palabras que decíamos, sin embargo, esto no me desanimó en esta misión de promoción vocacional.

En varias ocasiones, profesores y directores nos prohibían la entrada a los colegios, temerosos de que fuéramos "falsos religiosos", pese a que contábamos con un documento de nuestro Arzobispo. En otras ocasiones, la alegría de los docentes y directivos al vernos, desbordaba de sus corazones, ojos y palabras, y nos daban una cálida bienvenida a sus instituciones.

Cuando entrábamos en las aulas, los docentes, muy amablemente, nos concedían tiempo de su hora de clase para hacer la invitación. Iniciábamos con una dinámica que, a su vez, era una adoración a Jesús. Era impresionante ver la valentía de algunos jóvenes gritar «Jesucristo, ¡Yo estoy aquí!» cuando sus demás compañeros, tímidamente, se unían al canto dinámico. Después de esta oración, procedíamos a explicar el subsidio que los Hermanos prepararon, dando a conocer la Congregación. Finalmente, hacíamos la invitación a participar de los encuentros vocacionales, con la finalidad de que el joven descubra cuál es el llamado que Dios le hace.

Ruego al Señor que envíe obreros fieles y valientes a la Congregación que fundó su siervo, el Venerable Hermano Gabriel Taborin, para que, por su intercesión, crezca en número de Hermanos, y más en virtudes cristianas, haciendo ciudadanos santos, para el Reino de los Cielos, compartiendo allí con Jesús, María y José”.

Aspirante Carlos Mario Amaya

"La experiencia de visitar los colegios y hacer la promoción vocacional a los jóvenes, ha sido una especial oportunidad, no solo para hablar de vocación o de la Congregación, sino también para aprovechar el espacio con la juventud, escuchar sus propuestas y aspiraciones, anhelos y esperanzas en la vida.

Volver a entrar en las aulas y compartir la experiencia con cada colegio que visitamos, es un volver a las fuentes de nuestro Fundador, que deseaba "formar buenos ciudadanos para la sociedad y para el cielo".

Ruego a Dios, que este compartir de fe y la propuesta que llevamos a cada colegio, sea un espacio para el joven que desea descubrir que quiere Dios de su vida, y más aún que desea la vida de Él”. 

Hno. Elvis José Quintero Colina

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India The year begins with good news. It is a time for harvesting the fruits of our hard work on t...