How to analyze, plan, perform and reap the fruits
of Vocational Animation
those who work and participate in vocational promotion know that the activity
consists of a series of processes with different stages, that have to be taken
into account to achieve the desired objective.
of all, we have to be aware that vocational promotion is not only a work for
the Brothers, but for the whole Sa-Fa Family too. We are Christians and we must
know that calling others to live the Gospel is the responsibility of all of
of the most important aspects of the vocational animator is conviction. We must
be convinced that we have a vocation and that we live our vocation with
positive attitudes. The way we live our religious vocation or our spirituality
as lay people will help us to attract other candidates.
is fundamental to make an analysis of the social, cultural and ecclesial
reality where the activity will be developed since there is a great plurality
of social and cultural realities according to each country and sometimes even
within the same country.
the other hand, it is necessary to put creativity in the proposals, to know the
places where people need help, to explore to the maximum towards other
destinations, to look for study and constant formation, to persist in the
adversities and to try to solve them.
promotion of vocations, like any other activity, needs time to bear fruit. It
is a process that needs investment of time, formation of people, implementation
of activities, patience, constancy and hope.
fruits will not depend exclusively on the animators; they are servants and
intermediaries who have to do their part with commitment, determination and
generosity to put themselves at the service of this work.
we must proceed step by step in all the processes of analysis, programming and
realization in order to be able to see the fruits achieved.
1.- First we must ANALYZE the current scenario of vocational
promotion and later, based on this analysis, we have to plan, carry out the
activities and wait for the fruits.
the actions to be performed should be done under the example of the first vocational
animator who is Christ. Then we have to see everything under the light of the
Holy Spirit, praying, listening and seeking the advice and support of those who
have done these activities before.
we have to observe all situations, circumstances and possibilities with
attention, with a rather passive and contemplative attitude from the conviction
that God helps us to discover possibilities of action.
analysis should guide us and make us question the methodologies, the
possibilities, the ways of adapting the different situations according to the uses
and customs of each place or people in order to make the necessary corrections
and modifications.
2.- The second step is to PROGRAM a project with an evangelical
flavor, elaborating a vocational action plan, articulating all the elements in
a clear, precise, synthetic, attractive and meaningful way. A calendar should
be organized with the instances and experiences of approaching the charism,
together with the pastoral agents and defining the candidates for them.
PROJECTS are made according to the candidates, the situations, the realities.
It is better to carry out realistic projects rather than trying to achieve
ideals that only generate frustrations. In all projects it is necessary to be
perseverant, dedicated and attentive to new realities.
interesting is to generate curiosity in the candidates, to know that in this
process the part of provocation is important, without curiosity there is no
tracking, without the curiosity of "Master where do you live?" there
is no answer: "Come and see".
3.- Then comes the moment of
programmed. In this process, in each of its stages, we must look and be
attentive to the challenges, threats, weaknesses, strengths, to ask God for
clarity in taking decisions.
have to accept the phases of the process and explore new ways of developing the
activities that give life to the plan, with constancy, dedication and maturity,
since the vocation must be matured through discernment and accompaniment.
evaluation at each stage is important to see if we are on the right path,
keeping an adequate record of the positive and negative aspects, exploring new
ways to give life to the discerned response, so that the proposal matures and
we have to pray for the candidates, being in contact with them, following them,
supporting them in their difficulties so that they can overcome the problems. We
have to look at the situation and the conditions of the environment where the
call take place. We also have to maintain or build a good communication with
the candidates through all possible means, observing if the interest continues,
if changes are manifested and it is also convenient to relate with the families
and explain them what it means to be a Brother of the Holy Family.
4.- The FRUITS. In order to have mature and healthy
fruits, it is always necessary to accompany intensely and constantly all the
stages from sowing to flowering and fructification.
to the image of the good farmer, after analyzing and preparing the ground,
sowing and caring for it, we must wait trusting in the action of God since it
is Him the one who makes what has been planted, watered and cultivated bear
fruit in a timely manner.
important thing is to plant the seed and to know that some of them will take
longer, others less in germinating and perhaps some will never germinate. Since
the fruits are always imprecise, that is to say, one can have hope in the
sowing but the expectations do not always coincide with what it is expected.
harvesting of fruits is only possible at the end of a maturation process, that
can last more or less time, and when the time comes to collect them, it is done
with great joy and often with surprise because sometimes they are better than
the vocational fruits can be perceived in the climate of familiarity that is
generated among the members when they meet, get to know each other, feel part
of an extended family, and have the Holy Family as a model to follow in the
bonds they generate and Brother Gabriel as a teacher of the Nazarene charism.
we can say that in the vocational animation no fixed recipe can be foreseen. It
is necessary to reflect at each step to know the degree of success and failure
that is produced. It is convenient to keep in mind, in order not to fall in
illusions and disappointments, that the discovery and development of the
vocation in the candidates is a process that takes time and that the choices
and the human will take place in each decision. The success becomes a guide and
the failure an experience to work better in the future.
in Vocational Animation, whether in the promotion of Brothers, Family Ministry
or Nazarene Fraternities, it is always necessary to follow the four stages in
the work of animation, since it is not possible to improvise; everything must
be subject to a flexible plan in order to reach the desired success.