
Entrance to the Postulancy in India


“If every flower wanted to be a rose, nature would lose her springtime beauty.”

It is a great joy for the community of Eluru and also a remarkable day for all the Brothers, Novice, Postulants and Aspirants. We have started the day with a celebration of BROTHERHOOD DAY in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. We had a special prayer service and beautiful points were underlined by Bro. Efraim, the Delegate of India, on the theme of “The Joy of Being a Brother” written by Bro. Teodoro Berzal. The day was filled with lots of happiness and joy.

After the positive report of the Formators of the Novitiate, the Provincial and his councilors have admitted 5 of our pre-postulants to the stage of Postulancy on September 20th. Today, with the presence of our Delegate, we have celebrated the rite of Entrance to the Postulancy. This celebration was taken place in the chapel of Novitiate in the midst of the community Brothers and a Novice.

Bro. Sagar has commented on the article 168 from our Constitutions where it speaks about the stage of Postulancy. Bro. Efraim handed over the book of Liturgical Prayer of the Church to the new Postulants. Then it continued community prayer. We have prayed especially for these five postulants, so that they may rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and constant in prayer.


Month of vocations in The Philippines

 September: The Month of Vocation

A mission with a Brotherly Touch

Launching of the Vocation Month in the Archdiocese was held on September 1, 2022 at San Pedro Cathedral with the theme “Family: Seedbed of Vocation.” This solemn celebration was the opening of the activities pertaining to vocation -married life, priesthood, religious life, single blessedness- promotion within Davao, Digos, Tagum, and Mati (DADITAMA), to be participated by all parishes, catholic schools and colleges, and partner agencies from the local government units (LGU’s) and public schools.  

The Gabriel Taborin College of Davao (GTCD) organized its program for the annual vocation animation within the Archdiocese. The GTCD, from the vocation launching to the different public-school visitations remained consistent – the promoting vocations, and drawing students closer to God through the mission of the Brothers of the Holy Family.

The launching of vocation month in GTCD marked the response, and participation of the Brothers to the vocation promotion. The vocation promotion started with a simple but, with a strong opening – the parade of the representation of saints, followed by a short talk about vocation-sainthood, and its impact to one’s life as a baptized Catholic. Every Wednesday during the month of September, the morning prayer was conducted with the theme of one call story from the Bible at GTCD. And Every day, there was a post about vocation on many themes like what is vocation, what are the different types of vocations we have in the Church, who are called by God and why are they called etc.….          

The vast work for the vocation promotion was carefully planned by the Brothers headed by Bro. John Bosco Sebastin, FSF. Bro. Bosco started with the communications for approval of the public-school visitation; the Department of Education (DepEd) Regional, and Division offices of Davao Oriental, Davao Del Norte, Davao Del Sur (including the new province of Davao Occidental). And of course, this includes the religious schools -Holy Cross Schools- of the said provinces manage by the Religious Communities of sisters.


Brother Bosco, untiringly extended his school visitation by including Cebu City, and the island of Bohol. In the same manner, personally he handed letters for approval to the school administrators. And in such a way to be in contact with some of the religious communities who in one way or another is of help to the ongoing vocation animation program.    

The school visit focusing on the promotion of vocation in general, and emphasizing vocation for brotherhood for the Brothers of the Holy Family. Grade 12 was the target audience of the vocation promotion. However, because of their minimal number, grades 10 and 11 at times were invited to participate. Twenty to thirty minutes of encounter with the students -short introduction; short video presentation; collection of participants basic information- has been fruitful in one way or another, and this is followed with communication through messenger or text messages by the postulants.



Ingredients of Sa-Fa vocation animation 15

 Dreams and proposals to improve and expand

the scope of vocational animation

Nowadays it is becoming less and less common for families to practice the Catholic faith. Most of baptized people do not make room for God in their lives. Moreover, as the Word says: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” Mt. 9. 37-38.

We are in a society in which the Brother's way of life, among young people, is "not in fashion" and therefore it is difficult to make a vocational proposal.

However, this means that the dreams to achieve more vocations do not fade, but rather give impetus to new proposals to obtain more achievements in the mission as animators.

Hope gives the impetus to dream and desire more vocational fruits of consecrated men and women and of more christians committed to the evangelical mission. In the letter to the Romans 15:13 St. Paul says: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”.

Brother Gabriel teaches us that we should go after our dreams always trusting in divine providence, regardless of difficulties or inconveniences. The important thing is to work for those dreams with faith and hope.

We have to dream that the Lord will continue to give us the precious gift of life to continue serving Him in the mission entrusted to us, whether as consecrated persons, parents, spouses or committed lay people.

In the case of the activities in the educational institutions, we must dream of a school in a pastoral key. We must not be satisfied with carrying out some pastoral activities but that tinges the whole school with evangelical colour and where each one can improve and advance in the commitment as agents and instruments of vocational animation. That vocational promotion should not be just one area or stage of work, but the interconnection of all the areas and stages of formation of the students for vocational awakening.

We must also dream that our Congregation becomes a universal congregation, to be able to reach some places that may have a good vocational potential and to extend the scope of the call for animation to open new educational centres, where the charism continues to be sown, with more aware collaborators, more immersed in the Sa-Fa spirituality and where a vocational pastoral can be proposed welcoming all these people, even women with the vocation of Sisters or consecrated lay people in our charism.

All these dreams must not remain just that, but on the contrary, we must work to make them a reality in a spirit of permanent search, offering these vocational spaces in an attractive way.

The proposals
that can be generated to improve or broaden the scope of vocations promotion are many and diverse:  

# Generating, above all, a vocational ministry centered on Christ and his Gospel, with the horizon set on the realization of the Kingdom, presenting the different types of vocations that exist in the Church and in our Sa-Fa Family as a way to follow.  At the same time to integrate our vocation animation into the Church in order to enrich it by creating a greater vocational culture.

# Analyzing and discovering the vocations that the world and the Church need, to discern the signs of the times and to pay attention to what the Holy Spirit inspires us to do.

# Spreading the charisma as a vocational option, in a reliable and attractive way, going to more remote places, as quickly as we can.

# Expanding the spaces of promotion to other schools, communities, the hostels of christian universities, parishes, other educational establishments.

# Taking into account that digital media can be used constructively for vocational promotion. 

# Encouraging young people to encounter Jesus, inviting them to know the life of a Brother, showing it with enthusiasm, closeness and as a witness of life, and accompanying them to participate in experiences of discernment for their own vocational projects.

# Presenting a vocational animation project that helps people discover that they are loved by God, who has given us gifts to give and share. And raise in them the question about what is the will of God in their lives.

# Cultivating a personal and a community attitude of permanent discernment that allows us to live our vocation with creative fidelity, encouraging the listening to God, to others and to ourselves, being in contact with the Gospel, the incarnated spiritual life and the continuous formation as a way of deepening our own vocation.

# Generating social and solidarity spaces that work on personal introspection and social commitment, inviting participation in missionary and community activities.

# Seeking a methodology of responsible and close accompaniment that involves young people and adults.

# Making the pastoral ministry of vocations at schools something essential and systematic where everyone participates, trying to teach the charism of Brother Gabriel to the whole educational community, creating a single vocational team, in which everyone be a vocational agent, without overloading  smaller groups.

# Working in connection with all Sa-Fa schools of each Province so that each promoter shares the most appropriate ways of attracting candidates and exchanging experiences.

# Training ourselves constantly in order to be in line with the current reality, creating new ways, methods and testimonial proposals for vocational promotion, linking ourselves with the people and groups that were necessary for this purpose.

We must look for people with the intention of living the Gospel and the path to holiness, whether as Brothers or committed lay people, so that they may also be sowers of the Word. We have to intend that the family spirit and the Nazarene charism be sown in each school or Sa-Fa presence in the world.  We have to adapt to today's world, to the times and customs of young people who are not the same as before, as well as to the different family models.


If we want to improve the scope of vocational animation, we must have hope. If we do not have hope, we will not be able to move forward. We have to know that God himself is the Master and He is in charge of guiding us in our mission. And as Brother Gabriel said: “If this work is God's, He will make it prosper”.


Ingredientes de la animación vocacional Sa-Fa 14

La inquietud creativa en la animación vocacional

La creatividad es el resultado de la combinación de varios elementos: ideas innovadoras, conceptos originales, predisposición a inventar, aprovechar las oportunidades de otra manera, encontrar procedimientos o elementos para desarrollar labores de formas distintas a la tradicional. La creatividad es positiva y dinámica.

La animación vocacional debe contar con una actitud creativa en los animadores, para lograr no solo detectar posibles candidatos sino llevarlos a que experimenten ese nuevo camino de búsqueda vocacional. 

La inquietud creativa debe estar llena de esperanza, debe ser alegre, curiosa, atractiva para ir probando diferentes caminos y formas de animar. Se deben aprovechar todas las oportunidades que van apareciendo por insignificantes que parezcan hasta encontrar la que se vea más fructífera. Requiere estar siempre en búsqueda, abrirse a otros conceptos, parámetros, estilos, miradas para lograr mostrar y ofrecer un nuevo camino o estilo de vida que sea atractivo para las personas.

Como siempre la oración debe acompañar los procesos de creación, para meditar y reflexionar sobre las circunstancias que rodean el trabajo de animación. También la formación es necesaria para aprender metodologías, técnicas, recursos nuevos para enriquecer la misión y comprender mejor las nuevas generaciones.

¿De qué manera podemos poner en práctica la actitud creativa?

En principio, todas las personas que conozcamos y muestren interés son posibles candidatos. Esto significa que tenemos que estar atentos siempre y hacer que nuestra misión sea más creativa año tras año. No tenemos que conformarnos con lo establecido, hay que estar siempre en la búsqueda.

Hay que aplicar el “método de Jesús”: acercarse a las personas, escuchar, tomar la iniciativa de diálogo, caminar a la par, ya que lo más importante es el encuentro con el otro y con la comunidad. Estar siempre en camino, tratando de encontrarle sentido evangélico a la realidad y empatizando con las personas para que descubran los llamados de Dios en sus vidas.

La actitud creativa nos exige salir de la zona de confort, enfrentar nuevos retos, con espíritu de salida, buscando nuevos horizontes, explorando nuevos territorios, nuevos espacios, nuevas culturas sin límites geográficos. Es salir al encuentro de candidatos en los lugares menos pensados y más necesitados. Es ir por más, redoblar la apuesta, animando a otros a descubrir sus dones y dar lo que tienen. Para esto hay que dedicar tiempo y ganas para seguir buscando.

La inquietud creativa debe ser constante. En cada momento se debe pensar en algo nuevo, diferente, enriquecedor para poner en práctica, pidiendo la colaboración de otras personas y contribuyendo al crecimiento, la evolución y la mejora de todos. Hay que ser persistente en acompañar a los candidatos y tener en cuenta que hay que ir más allá de las expectativas. 



La animación vocacional debe estar actualizada siempre y los modos de llevar adelante la actividad también deben ser más creativos e interesantes para las nuevas generaciones. En la actualidad se cuentan con muchas herramientas y recursos para las actividades creativas. Se pueden usar nuevos elementos e incorporar otras maneras para ayudarnos a obtener mejores resultados.

Los medios de comunicación son la mejor forma de comunicarse con los candidatos interesados y se deben aprovechar para acercarse a través de ellos. El contacto regular con los candidatos por medio de llamadas telefónicas, Facebook, Instagram, videoconferencias, WhatsApp, Messenger, cartas, YouTube, Zoom, etc. permiten compartir información que despierte su interés por nosotros, creando una relación de empatía y acercamiento.

También el uso de la música, las canciones, los trabajos comunitarios, los grupos de oración, las peregrinaciones… deben ser utilizadas de maneras nuevas, ingeniosas, atractivas, a la altura de los intereses que tienen los jóvenes o las personas adultas en la actualidad.

Podemos concluir entonces que la inquietud creativa es fundamental para seguir adelante con la misión de animación y da lugar a más y más trabajos a favor de las acciones que se deban realizar. No se puede estar satisfecho con lo hecho sin intentar buscar nuevas maneras de obtener los propósitos que se buscan. Tenemos que contribuir cada vez más para que surjan nuevas vocaciones y no conformarse. Es obvio que para ello hay que sacrificar la tendencia a la comodidad y a hacer siempre lo mismo.

En nuestro camino como animadores vocacionales nunca debemos decir que lo que hemos realizado es suficiente. Siempre hay que estar atentos a las señales y signos que nos van llegando para intentar ser parte de una experiencia humana y tratar de llegar a una experiencia religiosa.

Tenemos que ser capaces de caminar tras las huellas de Cristo y tener la fuerza de estar siempre disponibles para todas las ideas nuevas que surjan intentando cosas innovadoras que otros no hacen; aprovechando todas las oportunidades que aparecen por insignificantes que parezcan y poner toda nuestra creatividad e imaginación en pos de conseguir los objetivos planteados.

Hasta la próxima….


Renovación de votos del Hermano Jair Rueda en Colombia


El pasado 20 de agosto de 2022, en la comunidad de los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia de Bucaramanga-Colombia, y con motivo de la celebración de la fiesta de la Provincia Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, el Hno. Jair Rueda renovó sus votos por un año. La celebración eucarística fue presidida por el Hno. Pablo Villaverde, sacerdote de la comunidad, y posteriormente siguió un compartir con los invitados.

A la celebración asistieron los padres del Hno. Jair y otros familiares, miembros de la fraternidad, catequistas de la parroquia San Francisco de Asís donde el Hno. Jair apoya la catequesis y sacerdotes amigos de la comunidad.

“Fue para mí una experiencia maravillosa poder renovar ese sí al Señor en medio de esta gran celebración Mariana; poder tener a nuestra madre del cielo como modelo de fidelidad, entrega y servicio; compartir este día con las personas que han estado presentes en mi proceso de formación dentro de la congregación.

Estoy muy agradecido con Dios por esta nueva oportunidad de compromiso y entrega con la Iglesia y con mi congregación. Que Dios me dé la gracia de seguir adelante y que el Venerable Hno. Gabriel interceda por mí para que mi vocación siga creciendo y fortaleciendo cada día”.

Hno. Edinson Jair Rueda Trujillo


Ingredients of Sa-Fa vocation animation 13


How to analyze, plan, perform and reap the fruits 

of Vocational Animation   

All those who work and participate in vocational promotion know that the activity consists of a series of processes with different stages, that have to be taken into account to achieve the desired objective.

First of all, we have to be aware that vocational promotion is not only a work for the Brothers, but for the whole Sa-Fa Family too. We are Christians and we must know that calling others to live the Gospel is the responsibility of all of us.  


One of the most important aspects of the vocational animator is conviction. We must be convinced that we have a vocation and that we live our vocation with positive attitudes. The way we live our religious vocation or our spirituality as lay people will help us to attract other candidates.

It is fundamental to make an analysis of the social, cultural and ecclesial reality where the activity will be developed since there is a great plurality of social and cultural realities according to each country and sometimes even within the same country.

On the other hand, it is necessary to put creativity in the proposals, to know the places where people need help, to explore to the maximum towards other destinations, to look for study and constant formation, to persist in the adversities and to try to solve them.

The promotion of vocations, like any other activity, needs time to bear fruit. It is a process that needs investment of time, formation of people, implementation of activities, patience, constancy and hope.

The fruits will not depend exclusively on the animators; they are servants and intermediaries who have to do their part with commitment, determination and generosity to put themselves at the service of this work. 

Therefore, we must proceed step by step in all the processes of analysis, programming and realization in order to be able to see the fruits achieved.

1.- First we must ANALYZE the current scenario of vocational promotion and later, based on this analysis, we have to plan, carry out the activities and wait for the fruits.

All the actions to be performed should be done under the example of the first vocational animator who is Christ. Then we have to see everything under the light of the Holy Spirit, praying, listening and seeking the advice and support of those who have done these activities before.

After we have to observe all situations, circumstances and possibilities with attention, with a rather passive and contemplative attitude from the conviction that God helps us to discover possibilities of action.

The analysis should guide us and make us question the methodologies, the possibilities, the ways of adapting the different situations according to the uses and customs of each place or people in order to make the necessary corrections and modifications. 

2.- The second step is to PROGRAM a project with an evangelical flavor, elaborating a vocational action plan, articulating all the elements in a clear, precise, synthetic, attractive and meaningful way. A calendar should be organized with the instances and experiences of approaching the charism, together with the pastoral agents and defining the candidates for them.

The PROJECTS are made according to the candidates, the situations, the realities. It is better to carry out realistic projects rather than trying to achieve ideals that only generate frustrations. In all projects it is necessary to be perseverant, dedicated and attentive to new realities.

Something interesting is to generate curiosity in the candidates, to know that in this process the part of provocation is important, without curiosity there is no tracking, without the curiosity of "Master where do you live?" there is no answer: "Come and see".

3.- Then comes the moment of PERFORMING what is programmed. In this process, in each of its stages, we must look and be attentive to the challenges, threats, weaknesses, strengths, to ask God for clarity in taking decisions.

We have to accept the phases of the process and explore new ways of developing the activities that give life to the plan, with constancy, dedication and maturity, since the vocation must be matured through discernment and accompaniment.

The evaluation at each stage is important to see if we are on the right path, keeping an adequate record of the positive and negative aspects, exploring new ways to give life to the discerned response, so that the proposal matures and consolidates.

Besides we have to pray for the candidates, being in contact with them, following them, supporting them in their difficulties so that they can overcome the problems. We have to look at the situation and the conditions of the environment where the call take place. We also have to maintain or build a good communication with the candidates through all possible means, observing if the interest continues, if changes are manifested and it is also convenient to relate with the families and explain them what it means to be a Brother of the Holy Family.

4.- The FRUITS. In order to have mature and healthy fruits, it is always necessary to accompany intensely and constantly all the stages from sowing to flowering and fructification.

Recurring to the image of the good farmer, after analyzing and preparing the ground, sowing and caring for it, we must wait trusting in the action of God since it is Him the one who makes what has been planted, watered and cultivated bear fruit in a timely manner.

The important thing is to plant the seed and to know that some of them will take longer, others less in germinating and perhaps some will never germinate. Since the fruits are always imprecise, that is to say, one can have hope in the sowing but the expectations do not always coincide with what it is expected.

The harvesting of fruits is only possible at the end of a maturation process, that can last more or less time, and when the time comes to collect them, it is done with great joy and often with surprise because sometimes they are better than expected.

Besides the vocational fruits can be perceived in the climate of familiarity that is generated among the members when they meet, get to know each other, feel part of an extended family, and have the Holy Family as a model to follow in the bonds they generate and Brother Gabriel as a teacher of the Nazarene charism.

Finally, we can say that in the vocational animation no fixed recipe can be foreseen. It is necessary to reflect at each step to know the degree of success and failure that is produced. It is convenient to keep in mind, in order not to fall in illusions and disappointments, that the discovery and development of the vocation in the candidates is a process that takes time and that the choices and the human will take place in each decision. The success becomes a guide and the failure an experience to work better in the future.

So in Vocational Animation, whether in the promotion of Brothers, Family Ministry or Nazarene Fraternities, it is always necessary to follow the four stages in the work of animation, since it is not possible to improvise; everything must be subject to a flexible plan in order to reach the desired success.


Ingredientes de la animación vocacional Sa-Fa 12


Constancia y dedicación

En cualquier actividad que se realice es importante la constancia y la dedicación si se quiere hacer con responsabilidad y lograr los objetivos deseados. La constancia es una cualidad que hace a una persona ser perseverante ante un propósito. Y la dedicación se refiere al tiempo y al esfuerzo que una persona consagra a una actividad.

En la animación vocacional estas características se deben apreciar también para lograr resultados favorables. Pero ¿cómo se muestra la constancia y la dedicación en la animación vocacional? Podemos analizarlo desde dos puntos de vista: Uno desde lo personal y también desde lo comunitario.


  • Escuchando la voz de Dios a este llamado y siendo fieles a la llamada para esta misión en el tiempo presente.
  • A través de nuestra oración constante para obtener más vocaciones.
  • Viviendo feliz y plenamente en la alegría del Evangelio, con entusiasmo y esperanzados.
  • Entregando la vida, haciendo procesos de búsqueda y discernimiento siempre.
  • Respondiendo generosamente a la convocatoria de los Hermanos Sa-Fa.
  • Manteniéndose firme a través del tiempo junto a esta familia Sa-Fa, a pesar de los inconvenientes o dificultades y perseverando en este camino.
  • Profundizando en los conocimientos necesarios para llevar adelante la actividad.
  • Mirando a nuestro prójimo con atención, buscando a personas que muestran interés por conocer la comunidad y el carisma.
  • Tratando de dar testimonio, mostrando el amor y admiración por este carisma mostrando interés y fidelidad a los principios.
  • Tratando de provocar en las personas el deseo de analizar su vida y verla bajo el prisma de los ojos de Dios, para que descubran qué quiere Dios de ellos, despertando el interés del convocado.
  • Invitando a las personas a realizar experiencias para conocer la espiritualidad y el carisma de los Hermanos, creando actividades inspiradoras que les llamen la atención y los motiven.
  • Estando siempre al servicio del otro, en disponibilidad y con compromiso para acompañar, animar y mantener el contacto, siendo pacientes y sabiendo escuchar siempre.
  • Motivando con entusiasmo y siendo respetuosos de los tiempos de cada uno.
  • Buscando y acompañando en el trabajo pastoral y misionero, yendo al encuentro de los demás en las periferias.
  • Intentando conocer las culturas diferentes para promover la vocación religiosa y nuestro carisma.
  • Planificando proyectos con elementos claves y atractivos para lograr los objetivos.
  • Ampliando cada año el campo de acción; y por otro lado, no conformarme con lo que se ha hecho hasta el momento.
  • Manteniendo el contacto personal y regular con los candidatos para conocerlos mejor, interesarnos en su situación y hacer un seguimiento constante con entrevistas periódicas.  
  • También teniendo contacto con las familias de los candidatos, para crear confianza y dar la información necesaria.


  • En la sistematización de la difusión del carisma al personal nuevo que se integra a las obras desde el Consejo de Dirección, equipo de Pastoral y las Fraternidades Nazarenas. 
  • Ofreciendo instancias puntuales de formación en el carisma como forma de dar a conocer al Fundador, a la congregación, al espíritu de familia y sus dinámicas de trabajo. 
  • En la participación activa en la Pastoral, en los eventos, celebraciones, misiones, en la catequesis y en los servicios que surgen.
  • Cooperando y perseverando en el trabajo en equipo, sorteando las dificultades en esta misión.
  • Compartiendo la responsabilidad con los demás, dándonos apoyo constante para obtener más vocaciones.
  • Trabajando en los equipos con persistencia, creatividad, de manera integradora.

Podemos concluir entonces que la constancia y la dedicación son el motor de la animación vocacional, que no admite descanso ni vacaciones, que debe ser un proceso constante que requiere claramente de etapas, que no son cuantificables previamente en tiempos cronológicos concretos.

Aunque cada vez parezca más difícil encontrar vocaciones en un mundo tan secularizado, no debemos abandonar la misión en momentos de desánimos. Respaldados por la fe en Cristo, con la esperanza de la fortaleza que nos da el Espíritu Santo, debemos trabajar con constancia y dedicación en el acompañamiento para el despertar y desarrollo vocacional de los candidatos.

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India

Vocation camps in Asia: Timor Leste and India The year begins with good news. It is a time for harvesting the fruits of our hard work on t...